Best of the MacKenzie Brothers (Compilation) | Ink Master

The brothers are back! We’re celebrating Jimmy Snaz and Kyle MacKenzie, who will both return to Ink Master to settle their grudges sometime this season. New episodes every Tuesday at 10/9c on Paramount Network.

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Guy Tattoos – Tips to Pinpoint a Great Tattoo For Guys

You can spend weeks and weeks scouring the web for a good great tattoo for guys and not find any. It’s not that the internet lacks quality artwork, though. It all boils down to the tools 95% of us use to locate tattoos, which search engines. They are horrible at showing you where good galleries are. Well, here is an easy way to find tons of quality galleries that should have a great tattoo for guys.

Punk Tattoos

Punk tattoos are most frequently colorful and are located on highly visible parts of the body; it also includes the head and face. Tattoo imagery is a mosaic of borrowed symbols and icons from various cultures and subcultures: skulls, dragon Asian and tribal designs, biker elements, literal tattoos, anti-establishment tattoos, punk and music icons and animals. It is based on non-conform appearance from the point of view of clothing, hairstyle, tattoos and jewelry.

Tattoo Heart Designs

There are many meanings attached to the tattoo heart designs. Some have a personal meaning such as a heart with their loved one’s name on it. When tattoos became popular for sailors many years ago, especially during times of war, they would get a heart tattoo with ‘mother’ or ‘mom’ on it to bring them comfort while overseas.

Heart Tattoos – What Do They Mean?

What do heart tattoos really mean? Here are some common meanings of heart tattoos, and also one lesser known, but very, very powerful meaning one should definitely check out if considering a heart tattoo.

Free Tattoo Art Gallery – Free Tattoo Artist?!

Are you looking for a free tattoo art gallery? Why? Are you about to get a new tattoo? Are you going to look for a free tattoo artist also? No?! Well if you’re going to pay good money for a tattoo artist, why wouldn’t you want to pay money for a good tattoo design?

Tattoo Art – Choosing the Right Tattoo Design

Looking for the perfect tattoo art? Confused between the plethora of tattoo design choices? Find out whats the best tip an expert can give you.

Tattoo Art Designs and Tattoo Flash

In store tattoo flash examples were often the main way of finding the tattoo art design you wanted. Times have changed. Check out how people are using the internet to get killer tattoo art designs for their body.

The Secret Meanings of a Praying Hands Tattoo

The praying hands tattoo is a very expressive religious tattoo. There are many religious tattoos to choose from in today’s market, but it is one of the most popular.

Cross Tattoos For Christians

Long before Christianity was a main-stream religion, the cross was a popular cultural symbol of many different cultures. The cross had it roots hundreds, if not thousands, of years before Roman Christianity.

Star Tattoos – Choosing the Perfect Color

Star tattoos have become popular for many reasons. Still, their glamor and night-time splendor intrigues astronomers, from novice to expert. Many people have fallen in love with stars so much that they decide to take the plunge and get the cosmos tattooed on their bodies!

Laser Tattoo Removal 101

The bad news: your mother was right. It wasn’t a good idea to have your ex-wife’s name tattooed on your bicep. You don’t want the name of your favorite adolescent band across your buttocks for the rest of your life after all. Or that evil, fire-breathing pixie with wings around both of your nipples. Hindsight is 20/20. The good news: tattoos can now be removed in a simple and relatively painless procedure.

Using an Online Service Makes Your Next Tattoo Beautiful and Easy to Design

Not everyone that appreciates art and whom is interested in getting a tattoo is an artist themselves. Drawing up a design for a tattoo is more than simply being an artist; designing the design is an art in and of itself! Using an online service to assist in creating your next tattoo design can help you avoid typical design problems and will offer you an extensive array of artwork from which you can select the most meaningful and attractive design suited best for you.

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